Friday, April 17, 2009

Thank You Plinky #1

Wow have I been busy. Our annual nightmare tests at school are finally over so I'll hopefully have more time to blog. Anyway, I've been getting some serious blogger's block lately and I turned to one of Plinky's prompts. "If all the world's a stage, and we're merely players, how does your next scene begin?" I don't know how something that simple can make me think about my life as a whole, but it has. I don't know where my next scene begins. I barely know where my current scene is. It made me ask myself, "what the hell are you doing, boy?" If you died tomorrow, would you be happy with where you are and what you've done? I can't really say that I would be. Maybe it's time to start putting some pieces together. We'll see.

Sorry for the sheer randomness of this post, but I'm just thinking out loud.

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