Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pandemic II

This might be the most frustrating flash game I've ever played. There's a simple goal - infect the world with your own disease. Countries can react to the spread by closing airports, shutting off seaport, locking down borders, and a variety of different things. This game takes patience and luck; two things I don't have. I did finally manage to beat it, though. I can never manage to infect Madagascar. The paranoid morons shut down their ports (the only way of entry into that island) every single time! I only beat it when, by some fluke, my virus actually started inside Madagascar. Check it out. It's a good game and it brings me to my next topic.

Ironically, the swine flu outbreak started just after I began playing Pandemic. I really blew it off at first. They made a big deal out of bird flu but nothing significant ever happened with that. I figured that this would be just the same. A week later, thousands are dead (including an American) and nearly half of the states are contaminated - that includes my state of Pennsylvania. A dozen countries already contain infected people. It's scary. The disease is in Pittsburgh and my cousin will be coming home from there soon. If I suddenly stop posting on Rebels, you'll know what happened. xD

The results are in! 4 people voted in my poll and it's an even draw. Please comment.... I love comments.

1 comment:

  1. Huge range Points had been past kept up to date Sunday, 06 twenty-eight, 2012.
