Saturday, March 28, 2009


I have two favorite things. Vampires and Zombies. Why? I'll explain.

Vampires are just plain cool. There is no denying that. Whether it's the classic vampires like Count Dracula or the more modern versions like the ones in 30 Days of Night, a vampire is the textbook definition of a scary thing that you can't stop watching; the perfect horror movie character. Another thing that astounds me are how diverse they are. You have classy vampires (Dracula), savage vampires (30 Days of Night), teenage vampires (The Lost Boys), sexy vampires (Bloodrayne - the game, not the craptastic movie), the list goes on.

Edward Cullen is not a vampire. I'm prepared to defend that on any point. Edward Cullen was created by an author who admits that she has no real knowledge of vampires in any degree. Vampires don't go all "sparkly-glowy" when they step out into the light. They can't read minds either, but that's enough of my mini-rant.

Vampires = awesome
Edward Cullen = not-so-awesome

Next Blog: Zombies