Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Truth About Jianna Merrowmere

Before I make this post, I want to give everybody a little backround. Jianna was a member on a a site of which I'm a member, Rebels (see the Rebels post for more info). Some unfortunate events led up to her.... well, you'll see. If you don't know anything about the situation, I suggest you move on. This post is directed at her so called "friends" who have gone all around the internet slandering Rebels and to anybody who have read the blogs and have been misinformed about what happened. This post was originally blogged by me on one of the sites where she was bashing us on March 24, 2009. The only reason I'm reposting this is because a new member recently came to Rebels. He claimed that he wanted to check out the site after reading a hateful blog post by one of Jianna's puppets.


In this blog, I will explain to the community the truth about Jianna Merrowmere and her activities at Rebels. I will do my best to present it without bias. Any quotes (marked in italics) are unaltered in any way, shape, or form.

I am Sirak Sazen, a member at Rebels and the perp of the infamous "Hitler Joke". My first encounter with Jianna was posting a positive comment on her work of fanfiction. She claimed to be a middle-aged woman caring for her disabled daughter. For what it was worth, I believed her. She wasn't terribly active. This changed when she became part of Rebels' debates. That's where it all started to fall apart.

The Truth About: The Debates

The first of her debates I can recall responding to was one posted in a thread debating the morality of abortion. This is her original post.

Jianna Merrowmere: The United States has just been through a long period of time where extremists were in control of our government. That is now ended and moderation and reason prevail as should be. Extremists of every ilk should be rejected, and extremism in all of its forms soundly dismissed. Soon policies regarding abortion that were put in place during the Bush Presidency will be changed as they broadly made it possible for sentiment to overcome the rule of law. If I go to a pharmacy with a prescription for birth control which is the responsible thing to do rather than become pregnant with a child I will abort, the pharmacy should not be allowed to refuse to fill that prescription. That is possible under rules put in place under the Bush Administration which are about to be rescinded. As they should be.

My reponse, unaltered.

Sirak Sazen: Hold the phone. Are you seriously referring to the Republicans (Bush) as extremists? He may have been a crappy leader, but not an extremist. Barring abortion does not make him an extremist. It makes him a moralist. I honestly have no clue what the hell you are talking about with the prescription idea. By this post, I no longer accept your opinions as intelligent. Good day to you.

My response was indeed immature. I was trying to convey the fact that an Obama-supporter referring to the Bush administration as "extremists" was totally and completely uneducated. I most likely offended her (something which I regret) and would like to go back and reword this. Great first impression.

She continued to strongly defend her position as a liberal pro-choice woman. I defended my position, but not as strongly as others. This is where Lord Invictus comes into the picture. He is a strong-willed, conservative Catholic who holds his views sacred. Two people fiercly defending their opinions in an already unstable debated - something has to go boom. She claimed, and I quote....

Jianna Merrowmere: Not one of you has any idea of what you are talking about.

This lights the fuse to one of the bigger problems. Many members gradually began to get irritated at the fact that Jianna seemed to be (As Rive Caedo, our admin, put it) talking down to everybody. Another post seemed flawed to me.

Jianna Merrowmere: We are a nation of laws. Belief is a personal concern.

One thing led to another, and I split the topic. One thread was for the morality of abortion. Another for legality. It wasn't long before another issue popped up however. Sexism. I felt that she was defending abortion only because of fathers often bailing out or leaving the mother (an experience that happened to her). I called her out on it and another series of debates occurred over the issue - driving the wedge between her and I (along with other members) deeper. It escalated when she claimed that everybody in the debate thought that women were idiots, as seen here.

Jianna Merrowmere: Both parties are responsible for practicing birth control. This entire thread has focused on women being the 'idiots', etc. Needing an Obama to come save them.

You can start to see where she is putting words in members' mouths. This post is untrue.

The other biggy was the topic of "pro-death". The event happened before she was really active again, but a member of the site name Yodafueva proposed that pro-choice be renamed pro-death because of their support for abortion. This understandably insulted her and a heated debate followed.

The debate continued and the anger was rising on both sides. Insults were rampant, tensions were flaring, and neither side shifted an inch. This is where Jianna suggested new debate rules to be instituted, as seen here.

Jianna Merrowmere: I would like to suggest that all debate threads should be approved by an administrator. Then the administrator should set the debate rules for the subject matter. Then decide also based on subject matter what age can post as a debator and what age perhaps can read and ask questions.

This was met with near-universal negativity. Approval of threads by admins wasn't popular. The admins themselves even disagreed with it. Censoring the debates to age was something that...
a) wasn't wanted on Rebels and
b) wasn't possible.

My response.

Sirak Sazen: Age limitations are a big no-no and I think that anybody on this site will agree with me. Supressing the voice of teens will not help you. Also, I'm pretty sure anybody can lie about their age. I'm not too keen on having the admin have to approve a debate. I can see it if the topic was flat-out idiotic, but that's a mod's durty anyway.

She later commented on the non-existent political bias of Rebels.

Jianna Merrowmere: It wouldn't be fair of me to say who, but I do know quite a few young people on this site. I know of two both pro-choice who will no longer participate after being insulted and called names. One of them came to me just today. Is that right? A site in my opinion shouldn't take on a primary viewpoint. There are debate sites specifically for that. Some that lean right, some left. Some are really wild. That is what they are specificlly for and are populated primarily by adults. I belong to several.

I don't know who she could be referring to in this post. I personally don't believe the former member she talked to even exists. Another member claims to know this person, however. There is no primary viewpoint on Rebels, only majorit viewpoint which she seems to have mistaken. I also feel that this post encourages taking away freedom of speech. I'll let you decide how you feel about it.

The Truth About: The Hitler Joke

The infamous "Hitler Joke" is something that she has cited numerous times in her attacks on Rebels. I'd like to share the story of how this joke (that really wasn't even a joke) came to be.

A new member and debater Redriker was strongly against Jianna's viewpoints. He called her out on a number of points, particularly her apparent desire that viewpoints should be backed by legtimate sources.

Jianna Merrowmere: I am afraid 'Common Sense as Invictus' primary source' is not legitimate to me.

I am inclined to agree with him. He joked that nobody was allowed to have their own opinion when they were debating Jianna. This is where the Hitler joke comes in. The original post has since been deleted, but I can remember it.

Sirak Sazen: Jianna has the mindset that you need an "official" opinion or none at all. Hitler had that idea....

Looking back, it was distasteful. It was unnessecary. It was rude. And to an extent, it was true. I made an attempt to compare Jianna to a dictator or a fascist. When you think about dictators, the first name that comes to mind is Hitler. Thus, I compared her to Hitler. I shouldn't have done it. If Jianna is reading this, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. It was unintended. I should have known she would take such offense to it, especially after seeing what happened next.

The Truth About: The Meltdown

The discipline system at Rebels calls for a warning to a member before any action is taken. Rive Caedo (a fair, well-respected member and admin) gave her a subtle warning

Rive Caedo: Jianna, could you please stop being so aggressive? Statements like "Oh, that's a gem" and "You're wrong. You're so wrong" make me not even want to be anywhere near your side of the debate.

He asked her to cool things down. When she didn't, I assume he sent her a formal warning - along with Lord Invictus, Redriker and I. This triggered the meltdown. She went to the MyFreeForum (Rebels host) forum and complained about our treatment of her.

Jianna Merrowmere: I belong to a role playing site where I am an admin. It is a my free forum site. I belong to a second one where I am just a user. I have a complaint about an administrator who has acted in an extremely biased manner towards me yet has refused to reprimand other posters who were involved and acted at least as badly and worse than me. That also is a My Free Forum site. It is

Is there a mechanism available for complaint? A good example is the following. I am Jianna Merrowmere. Rive Caedo is the administrator. As can clearly be seen he reprimands me for "This little group is giving me a good laugh ROFL." But he says not one word to Sirak Sazen who clearly compares me to Hitler.

When MyFreeForum claimed that admin bias was not in violation of their terms, she reported Rebels and MyFreeForum to with the intent to have both sites investigated by government officials. She obviously wanted nothing good for Rebels, and was rightfully banned from the site.

The Truth About: Trent

Jianna wasn't done with Rebels. She returned under a new name, Trent, and posted in the Introductions forum meant for new members. This is her post.

Trent: I think it is now obvious what this forum is about. It is about bias and unfairness and a small group of people who want to harass and ridicule and engage in name calling towards other people. Then when the person retaliates or complains they are one who is banned. What an interesting study in what's wrong with extremists and extremism.

Yes the whole little group of you are extremists. Rive talked about me setting an example but yet the one he sets is far from one of integrity.

He deleted a great many of the offensive posts by his little extremist followers. (Which is what some of you are) Yet left those that incriminated me. That is dishonest, dishonorable and lacking in moral character in the extreme. Wondrous example to set for the young people here as an adult member and an admin.

Then when two people hurl insults (I was far from the only one) he only criticizes the person who doesn't agree with the viewpoint. A case for certain of very small mindedness.

I know of at least one other person who said they will never return here, because of the disparity in the way members are treated.

Unfortunately for the site, I downloaded the posts last night and have already taken them to the Consumer Protection Agency and filed a discrimination complaint against My Free Forums and Rebels.

I had to laugh at Embeion's message to me, that people have freedom of speech. Only one side here does however. Freedom of Speech includes the right to complain about your treatment and take it to a higher authority if you so desire. I know you all hate the 'legal arguments' but rights are balances which means your freedom of speech can't infringe on my freedoms. (Such as to not be discriminated against because of my pro-choice belief) That belief is exactly what all of this is about and denials I am afraid would not ring true. Because otherwise I would not have been banned, or all of us involved would have been banned.

This is supposed to be a roleplaying site where young people come to role play star wars. Not a political site where young people humiliate other young people for their own gratuitous fulfillment. And and administrator (Rive Caedo) helps them to do so. What a shame. What a sad thing as well. I will see my complaint through to the end. The young people here however will continue to be taught and to exercise the wrong message.

I am expecting the ban of Trent to occur immediately and this post to be deleted. Why wouldn't it be? But there is always another way on and a new identity.

This post only shows how misguided her views were. She also threatened to spam the site. When I mentioned that we could ban her IP address, she replied with this.

Trent: They would have to ban all proxy servers and names beyond count as well as approve all new members by tracing the IP which....will lead to somewhere new every time.

Rive responded to the situation.

Rive Caedo: Invictus was out of line. Rediker was out of line. Sirak was out of line. Jianna was out of line.

Invictus' reaction when I told him to keep a more level head: Cooled off.

Rediker's reaction when I told him to keep a more level head: Cooled off and then some.

Sirak's reaction when I told him to keep a more level head: Apologized and even offered to stay out of the debate threads entirely for awhile.

Jianna's reaction when I told her to keep a more level head: To call me biased. Then to complain to MyFreeForum. Then, when MyFreeForum said "This isn't a valid complaint", to complain to a governmental entity (which will toss it out as frivolous along with the rest of the similar complaints from the vast wide internet). To dismiss a SECOND administrator's request.

I think that this clears up the events that occured. I hope that this cleared up the situation a bit for everybody. She continues to post out of her SWS account about the evils of Rebels. Please don't buy into it. Rebels is a great place with an active community that is ready to welcome any member from any corner of the world. She can say what she wants. You can believe what you want. Rebels will endure.


I understand that there are some of you that feel Jianna is a wise woman. Unfortunately, I'm unable to get a hold on the links at the moment, but there are some examples that question her common sense. Just to name a couple.

1. She called a blogger names "Justice League" and imposter. She claimed that he was actually Lord Invictus. Her reasoning: both users had a one point used the word "whilst".

2. She accused Invictus of lying about his age (13) because he had a complex understanding of the Catholic Church. Since when is being educated a crime?

3. She gloated that she had finally defeated Rebels when all the posts where missing and a new user claimed that it had been taken down by the FBI. They posted that they had also apprehended Rive Caedo - actually a 13 year old girl named Sarah..... on April Fool's Day. Even after another blogger mentioned the date to her, she still believed the FBI had taken over Rebels.

You can be expecting Jianna or her puppets to eventually reply to this blog with some slanderous, ridiculus tale of cyberbulling and bigotry. I'll be ready. Bring it on.


  1. There is always one in every bunch!

  2. Actually I believe Jianna Merrowmere made some very good points about Rebels and hit the nail on the head. What I see posted in your blog is a selective picking of excerpts from the collection of postings which I have read as a guest on Rebels. If anyone cares to notice, the membership of Rebels has gone way down. Down to the little group from the debates. Nothing could be a greater reflection of the truth of what Jianna and her friends posted. (I am one of them.) Seems the rest of the SW rp world agrees with us.

  3. It appears this Jianna is a member of a group that claims to be against cyberbullies, while they illegally publish the information of minor children on their sites, which also at least implying these children are involved in illegal activities with virtually no evidence of any sort, other than they disapprove of some of the content on the forums they visit?

    If the information this Jianna Merrowmere is correct in the blog site she posted, then she is a 50+ year old woman cyberbullying 13 and 14 year old children? It also appears that she is proud of being a full grown adult woman, who should be a grandmother enjoying her grand children, but instead apparently feels entitled to do this other parents' children.

    I don't know if she's barren or she traumatized her own children to the point where they won't let her near them or their kids, but think she should try finding a more appropriate hobby, like knitting perhaps?

  4. I don't think this looneytune Jianna has any friends. More likely she's made up a bunch of fake internet personnas and is writing it all herself, including writing all her own responses to her own words.

    Looked up her name in real databases and this Jianna doesn't even exist. Doubt any of her supposed "fans" do either. Total fake, total phony.

  5. Pamela Wilsonsage
    Address 1:
    15 ENGR B CO
    FORT LEWIS, WA 98433

    Address 2:
    2108 EVERGREEN
    VANCOUVER, WA 98661

    Address 3:
    921 W 38TH ST
    VANCOUVER, WA 98660
    (360) 666-8908

    Fort Lewis, WA
    Vancouver, WA
    Battle Ground, WA
    See All Addresses
    James R Wilsonsage
    More Info
    DOB: Dec 06, 1967
    AGE: 42 Years Old

    Pam Wilsonsage

    Record 1 of 1
    Profile Info
    JAMES WILSONSAGE Background Report

    2400 E Fourth Plain Blvd #436
    Vancouver, WA 98661

    Employment History
    Wsd Games
    Contact Info:
    2400 E Fourth Plain Blvd #436
    Vancouver, WA 98661

    Washington Department of Corrections, WA (more info...)

    Full Name: James Raymond Wilsonsage Date of Birth: 12/06/1967
    AKAs: Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 230 LBS
    Hair Color: GRAY
    Eye Color: BROWN
    Race: WHITE
    Gender: Male

    Case Number: 051021713
    Offense Type: Rape
    Offense Code: 9A44076
    Offense Description: RAPE OF CHILD 2
    Conviction Place: CLARK
    Date Reported:

    Offense Date:
    Case Number: 051021713
    Offense Type: Rape
    Offense Code: 9A44073
    Offense Description: RAPE OF CHILD 1
    Conviction Place: CLARK

  6. You ARE all aware that this Jianna person, along with a couple of other losers who live together in a group home, has been busy posting information about people who have nothing to do with any of this right? Including the names, addresses and phone numbers of professionals who don't even post on any of these sites. All because she was confronted on a star wars role playing site. She's a grown woman and she's debating with kids, and she's so pathetic that rather than deal with her own real life, and the fact that her spouse is a convicted rapist, she spends all her time on the internet. She also has a disabled child - someone should call Child Protective Services in her neck of the woods. Maybe I'LL do it.

  7. Don't miss Dave!

    David Wilson
    86 Magnolia Street
    Dorchester, Ma 02125

    or Linda!

    1 Linda M Mendes

    More Info

    DOB: Oct 30, 1950

    AGE: 59 Years Old

    Steven A Mendes
    L M Mendes
    Evelyn Mendes
    Emanuela E Mendes
    A Mendes
    Maria P Mendes
    Jair P Mendes
    Ana Pina Mendes
    Antonio P Mendes
    Address 1:
    45 KINGSDALE 1

    Address 2:
    227 NORFOLK
    DORCHESTER, MA 02174
    (236) 7866

  8. Most of this information is outdated and wrong.
    You are all children.
